From: feustel #0 (David Feustel) Internet Re: Big Brother Bill Comes Out of The Closet!!! Path: bbs!whiting!ddsw1!!MathWorks.Com!!!wupost!!!feustel From: (David Feustel) Newsgroups: alt.society.civil-liberty,,talk.politics.guns,talk.politics.drugs Subject: Big Brother Bill Comes Out of The Closet!!! Message-ID: Date: Sat, 26 Feb 1994 00:30:26 GMT Organization: DAFCO: OS/2 Device Drivers To Go Lines: 64 President Clinton has explicitly announced his goal of banning the possession by private citizens of all semiautomatic fireams. I saw President Clinton make this announcement live in a speech broadcast on CNN. Major Clinton Administration objectives that I am now aware of include: * Setting up Secret Service offices in federally-financed public housing projects (reported on CNN over the weekend). * Banning the private possession of all semi-automatic firearms and handguns as well as 'ugly' firearms, a clear abrogation of the 2nd Amendment. * Instituting a nationwide electronic wiretap capability on the entire U.S. Communications system (Clipper), a clear abridgement of the 4th Amendment. * Banning the use of any other Encryption methods in order to ensure that the FBI can intercept all electronic communications, another 4th Amendment abridgement. * Creating a compulsory nationwide patient health database containing all patient information, also a clear violation of the 4th Amendment. * Dismantling the existing privately-run health care system in favor of a compulsory system totally controlled by the Federal Government. * Making Home Schooling essentially impossible by requiring certification of home school teachers in all subjects taught (as if certification were working in public schools!). * Refusal to accept the need for a Balanced Budget Amendment with an eye towards eliminating the annual budget deficit and paying down the National Debt. * Prosecuting the survivors of the Waco Massacre for resisting the illegal BATF assault on the Branch Davidian Compound. * Delaying as long as possible (forever?) the indictment and prosecution of Representative Dan Roskenkowski for the many abuses of public trust which he apparently has committed during his terms in office. * (Today) Adding Tobacco to the list of controlled substances regulated by the FDA. (The War on Drugs is a total failure, so let's extend it to tobacco. Yeah! That's it!) All of these Administration objectives appear to have been inspired by either George Orwell's 1984 and/or Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Is Big Brother Bill finally coming out of the closet? At this point I now regard the Democratic party in general and President Clinton in particular to be the biggest threat to the Bill of Rights since the founding of the United States. In fact, the Democratic Party's slogan since taking control of the Whitehouse seems to be 'Screw the Constitution; We've got the Whitehouse and Congresss. We can do Whatever We Want! -- Dave Feustel N9MYI Internet: Compuserve:<73532,1747>